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Runtime protocol reference


Marlowe Runtime is the application backend for managing Marlowe contracts on the Cardano blockchain. The term "Runtime" refers to the whole system, its components, and sub-components. Runtime and its protocols and sub-protocols communicate with one another to enable Runtime core functions, which are discovering and querying on-chain Marlowe contracts, and creating Marlowe transactions.

The Marlowe Runtime protocol enables communicating with Runtime directly.

These protocols, and specifically this root-level marlowe-runtime-cli protocol, is the primary API for Runtime. If you want to communicate with Runtime, ultimately, you will be using the marlowe-runtime-cli protocol and its sub-protocols.

In the larger context of working with Runtime, you don't necessarily need to be aware of the protocols to be able to communicate with Runtime. For example, if you are using the REST API or Runtime CLI, under the hood, they all communicate with Runtime using this protocol, as does everything that communicates with Runtime.

Intended audience

This document is intended for developers who are writing client applications that interact with Runtime. You may be writing scripts, command-line tools, servers for DApps that communicate with Runtime, or something similar. If you don't want to use the REST API, Runtime CLI, or Marlowe CLI, or any other intermediary, but instead want to connect directly to the TCP socket that Runtime exposes, this document is a useful reference because it describes the behavior, syntax, states, and messages of these protocols.

Key concepts

Peer roleThe peer role is either server or client. All protocol sessions take place between two peers -- one server and one client.
Protocol stateA description of the current state of a protocol session.
Peer agencyDescribes which peer role is able to send messages to the other in a given protocol state. Agency is exclusive (either server or client has agency, never both). When one peer is able to send a message to the other peer, it has agency. When a peer is in a state of only being able to receive a message, we say it does not have agency. States in which neither peer has agency are terminal states.
MessagesPackets of data that a peer can send to another peer when it has agency. When a message is sent, that event transitions the protocol state from one state to another.

About messages and agency

Certain message types are only available from certain states, and when a peer sends a message to another, it changes the state of the protocol, potentially changing the peer agency also. In the majority of cases, agency alternates when a peer sends a message to the other peer. For example, the client will send a message to the server, then the server will gain agency. Then the server sends a message back to the client and the client will gain agency again. There are some cases in which one peer will send multiple messages and keep agency between them, but for the most part it is a back and forth process.

Marlowe Runtime protocol

Below is a state diagram for the Marlowe Runtime protocol:


The protocols are all defined using the typed-protocols library.

The top-level protocol is the Marlowe Runtime protocol. It is defined here:

Four sub-protocols

The Marlowe Runtime protocol consists of four sub-protocols:

  1. Marlowe Sync
  2. Marlowe Header Sync
  3. Marlowe Bulk Sync
  4. Marlowe Query
  5. Tx Job
  6. Marlowe Load
  7. Contract Query
  8. Marlowe Transfer

Client starts session

The client starts a session by sending a message to the server saying which sub-protocol it intends to communicate with, then a protocol session for the sub-protocol begins.

Marlowe Runtime protocol states

At any given time, the Marlowe Runtime protocol can be in one of five states:

  1. Init
  2. MarloweSync
  3. MarloweHeaderSync
  4. MarloweBulkSync
  5. MarloweQuery
  6. TxJob
  7. MarloweLoad
  8. ConractQuery
  9. MarloweTransfer

There is an init state, then there is one protocol state per sub-protocol. These states transition in a fairly straightforward manner.

The protocol starts in the Init state, and then via one of the message types, it will transition into one of the other states.

Once in that protocol state, the protocol stays there for the rest of the session, communicating in that protocol.

Descriptions of the Marlowe Runtime protocol states

Protocol stateAgencyParameterDescription
1. InitClientThe initial state.
2. MarloweSync stDetermined by stThe peers are communicating via the MarloweSync sub-protocol.
stA protocol state from MarloweSync
3. MarloweHeaderSync stDetermined by stThe peers are communicating via the MarloweHeaderSync sub-protocol.
stA protocol state from MarloweHeaderSync
4. MarloweBulkSync stDetermined by stThe peers are communicating via the MarloweBulkSync sub-protocol.
stA protocol state from MarloweBulkSync
5. MarloweQuery stDetermined by stThe peers are communicating via the Query MarloweSyncRequest sub-protocol.
stA protocol state from Query MarloweSyncRequest
6. TxJob stDetermined by stThe peers are communicating via the Job MarloweTxCommand sub-protocol.
stA protocol state from Job MarloweTxCommand
7. MarloweLoad stDetermined by stThe peers are communicating via the MarloweLoad sub-protocol.
stA protocol state from MarloweLoad
8. ContractQuery stDetermined by stThe peers are communicating via the Query ContractRequest sub-protocol.
stA protocol state from Query ContractRequest
9. MarloweTransfer stDetermined by stThe peers are communicating via the MarloweTransfer sub-protocol.
stA protocol state from MarloweTransfer

Message types

There are eight message types in the Marlowe Runtime protocol. The first seven initiate sub-protocol sessions, while the final seven are carriers for sub-protocol messages. For example, the MarloweSync message type embeds a message from the sub-protocol in the Marlowe Runtime protocol.

MessageBegin stateEnd stateParameterDescription
1. RunMarloweSyncInitMarloweSync InitStart a MarloweSync session.
2. RunMarloweHeaderSyncInitMarloweHeaderSync IdleStart a MarloweHeaderSync session.
3. RunMarloweBulkSyncInitMarloweBulkSync IdleStart a MarloweBulkSync session.
4. RunMarloweQueryInitMarloweQuery ReqStart a MarloweQuery session.
5. RunTxJobInitTxJob InitStart a TxJob session.
6. RunMarloweLoadInitMarloweLoad (Processing RootNode)Start a MarloweLoad session.
7. RunContractQueryInitContractQuery ReqStart a ContractQuery session.
8. RunMarloweTransferInitMarloweTransfer IdleStart a MarloweTransfer session.
9. MarloweSync msgMarloweSync stMarloweSync st'Wrap a MarloweSync message.
msgA MarloweSync message with begin state st and end state st'
10. MarloweHeaderSync msgMarloweHeaderSync stMarloweHeaderSync st'Wrap a MarloweHeaderSync message.
msgA MarloweHeaderSync message with begin state st and end state st'
11. MarloweBulkSync msgMarloweBulkSync stMarloweBulkSync st'Wrap a MarloweBulkSync message.
msgA MarloweBulkSync message with begin state st and end state st'
12. MarloweQuery msgMarloweQuery stMarloweQuery st'Wrap a MarloweQuery message.
msgA MarloweQuery message with begin state st and end state st'
13. TxJob msgTxJob stTxJob st'Wrap a Job MarloweTxCommand message.
msgA TxJob message with begin state st and end state st'
14. MarloweLoad msgMarloweLoad stMarloweLoad st'Wrap a Job MarloweTxCommand message.
msgA MarloweLoad message with begin state st and end state st'
15. ContractQuery msgContractQuery stContractQuery st'Wrap a Job MarloweTxCommand message.
msgA ContractQuery message with begin state st and end state st'
16. MarloweTransfer msgMarloweTransfer stMarloweTransfer st'Wrap a Job MarloweTxCommand message.
msgA MarloweTransfer message with begin state st and end state st'

Binary format for sending messages over TCP

Use the binary format for the Marlowe Runtime protocol to send messages over TCP. The binary format describes how each message type is converted into binary data, then read and decoded.

At this time, Haskell is the only supported language that has the functions for this.

If you are using Haskell, use the Marlowe client library, one of our libraries in our marlowe-cardano repo. It exports a monad transformer called MarloweT that enables you to run a client of the Marlowe Runtime protocol. Run that monad transformer by providing the port number and host address of Runtime and it will connect to it and handle the binary format for you.

Messaging behavior

On a functional level, the Marlowe Runtime protocol multiplexes the four sub-protocols into one. The client always sends one of these eight message types (RunMarloweSync, RunMarloweHeaderSync, RunMarloweBulkSync, RunMarloweQuery, RunTxJob, RunMarloweLoad, RunContractQuery, RunMarloweTransfer) to start. Depending on which one it started the session with, it will then continuously send that message type between client and server. If it starts with RunMarloweSync, the client and server will then just exchange MarloweSync messages back and forth. Inside each of those is a message from the underlying MarloweSync protocol. When finished, it disconnects and the session is over.

About the Haskell source files

There is a data structure in the Haskell source files that describes the different protocol states. There is a message type that shows what all the available messages are for that protocol. Each message indicates the initial state of the message. For example, RunMarloweSync starts in the state StInit, then transitions into the MarloweSync.StInit state.