Marlowe escrow step-by-step
A new smart contract language for the financial world
Tutorial. Building upon an escrow contract.
Contract 1. Locked Savings.
- Save some money for the future.
- Alice has from time 0 to time 10 to make a deposit (commit) of 500 ada.
- Funds will be locked until time 100.
- Only after time 100 funds will be redeemable.
Marlowe code:
CommitCash (IdentCC 1) 1
(ConstMoney 500)
10 100 Null Null
Test cases:
- Ada cannot be committed after time 10
- Ada cannot be redeemed before time 100
- Ada can be redeemed after time 100
Contract 2. Simple Payment with time limit to claim.
- Pay for a product or service.
- Alice has from time 0 to time 10 to make a deposit of 500 ada.
- Bob can claim payment from time 11 to time 100.
- Alice can redeem funds after time 100 if Bob did not claim the payment.
Marlowe code:
CommitCash (IdentCC 1) 1
(ConstMoney 500)
10 100
(Pay (IdentPay 1) 1 2
(AvailableMoney (IdentCC 1))
100 Null)
Test cases:
- Cash cannot be committed after time 10.
- Ada can be claimed at any time after commitment and before time 100 is reached.
- Ada cannot be redeemed before time 100.
- Only person 2 can claim the payment.
- Ada can be redeemed after time 100.
Contract 3. Authorize payment
- Pay for a product or service but payment is subject to authorization from buyer.
- Alice has from time 0 to time 10 to deposit 500 ada.
- Alice has from time 11 to time 40 to choose if she actually authorizes the payment to Bob.
- If Alice chooses to pay, Bob can claim payment from time 41 to time 100.
- Funds are reedemable by Alice after time 100.
Marlowe code:
CommitCash (IdentCC 1) 1
(ConstMoney 500)
10 100
(When (PersonChoseThis (IdentChoice 1) 1 1)
(Pay (IdentPay 1) 1 2
(AvailableMoney (IdentCC 1))
100 Null)
(RedeemCC (IdentCC 1) Null))
Test cases:
- Alice authorizes payment
- Alice doesn't authorize
Contract 4. Pay unless explicit rejection
- Pay Bob unless Alice explicitly rejects the payment.
- Alice has from time 0 to time 10 to deposit 500 ada.
- Alice has from time 11 to time 40 to choose if she denies the payment.
- If Alice chooses not to pay, funds are redeemable.
- If Alice chooses to pay or does not make a selection, Bob can claim from time 41 to time 100.
- Funds are reedemable by Alice after time 100.
Marlowe code:
CommitCash (IdentCC 1) 1
(ConstMoney 500)
10 100
(When (PersonChoseSomething (IdentChoice 1) 1)
(Choice (PersonChoseThis (IdentChoice 1) 1 0)
(RedeemCC (IdentCC 1) Null)
(Pay (IdentPay 1) 1 2
(AvailableMoney (IdentCC 1))
100 Null))
(Pay (IdentPay 2) 1 2
(AvailableMoney (IdentCC 1))
100 Null))
Test cases:
- Bob can collect even if Alice doesn't give an instruction.
- Alice can cancel payment
- Bob can't claim payment before block 40 or approval from Alice.
Contract 5. Simple Escrow
- Pay Bob when two out of three persons vote for payment,
- Refund Alice when two out of three persons vote for not to pay.
- Alice has from time 0 to time 10 to deposit 500 ada.
- Alice has from time 11 to time 40 to vote if she approves or denies the payment.
- Bob has from time 11 to time 60 to vote if he approves or denies the payment.
- Carol has from time 11 to time 60 to vote if she approves or denies the payment.
- If two out of three participants vote not to pay, funds are redeemable after time 100.
- If two out of three participants vote to pay, Bob can claim the payment from time 61 to time 100.
- Funds are reedemable by Alice after time 100.
Marlowe Code:
CommitCash (IdentCC 1) 1
(ConstMoney 500)
10 100
(When (OrObs (AndObs (PersonChoseThis (IdentChoice 1) 1 1)
(PersonChoseThis (IdentChoice 1) 2 1))
(OrObs (AndObs (PersonChoseThis (IdentChoice 1) 1 1)
(PersonChoseThis (IdentChoice 1) 3 1))
(AndObs (PersonChoseThis (IdentChoice 1) 2 1)
(PersonChoseThis (IdentChoice 1) 3 1))))
(Pay (IdentPay 1) 1 2
(AvailableMoney (IdentCC 1))
100 Null)
Test Cases:
- Payment can only be claimed when 2 out of 3 participants have voted to pay.
- Alice and Bob agree to pay
- Bob and Carol agree to pay
- Alice and Carol agree to pay
- Only person 2 (bob) can claim the payment.
- Ada can be redeemed after block 100
Contract 6. Complete Escrow
- Pay Bob when two out of three persons vote for payment,
- Refund Alice when two out of three persons vote for not to pay.
- Improve Contract 5 to allow Alice be refunded earlier if outcome of voting is not to pay.
- Alice has from time 0 to time 10 to deposit 500 ada.
- Alice has from time 11 to time 40 to vote if she approves or denies the payment.
- Bob has from time 11 to time 60 to vote if he approves or denies the payment.
- Carol has from time 11 to time 60 to vote if she approves or denies the payment.
- If two out of three participants vote not to pay, funds are redeemable immediately.
- If two out of three participants vote to pay, Bob can claim the payment from time 61 to time 100.
- Funds are reedemable by Alice after time 100.
Decision Tree
Marlowe Code:
CommitCash (IdentCC 1) 1
(ConstMoney 500)
10 100
(When (OrObs (OrObs (AndObs (PersonChoseThis (IdentChoice 1) 1 1)
(PersonChoseThis (IdentChoice 1) 2 1))
(OrObs (AndObs (PersonChoseThis (IdentChoice 1) 1 1)
(PersonChoseThis (IdentChoice 1) 3 1))
(AndObs (PersonChoseThis (IdentChoice 1) 2 1)
(PersonChoseThis (IdentChoice 1) 3 1))))
(OrObs (AndObs (PersonChoseThis (IdentChoice 1) 1 0)
(PersonChoseThis (IdentChoice 1) 2 0))
(OrObs (AndObs (PersonChoseThis (IdentChoice 1) 1 0)
(PersonChoseThis (IdentChoice 1) 3 0))
(AndObs (PersonChoseThis (IdentChoice 1) 2 0)
(PersonChoseThis (IdentChoice 1) 3 0)))))
(Choice (OrObs (AndObs (PersonChoseThis (IdentChoice 1) 1 1)
(PersonChoseThis (IdentChoice 1) 2 1))
(OrObs (AndObs (PersonChoseThis (IdentChoice 1) 1 1)
(PersonChoseThis (IdentChoice 1) 3 1))
(AndObs (PersonChoseThis (IdentChoice 1) 2 1)
(PersonChoseThis (IdentChoice 1) 3 1))))
(Pay (IdentPay 1) 1 2
(AvailableMoney (IdentCC 1))
100 Null)
(RedeemCC (IdentCC 1) Null))
Test Cases:
- Check that when both Alice and Carol choose NOT to pay, Alice can immediately redeem the funds.