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Withdraw payouts

Build an unsigned (Cardano) transaction body which withdraws available payouts from a role payout validator. This unsigned transaction must be signed by a wallet (such as a CIP-30 or CIP-45 wallet) before being submitted. To submit the signed transaction, use the PUT /withdrawals/{withdrawalId} endpoint.

Header Parameters
X-Change-Address string REQUIRED

A cardano address, in Bech32 format

X-Address string

A comma-separated list of values

X-Collateral-UTxO string

A comma-separated list of values

Request Body
payouts string[] REQUIRED

Possible values: Value must match regular expression ^[a-fA-F0-9]{64}#[0-9]+$

links object
withdrawal string OPTIONAL
resource object

The "type" property of "tx" must be "Tx BabbageEra" or "Tx ConwayEra"

tx object
cborHex string
description string
type string

What type of data is encoded in the CBOR Hex. Valid values include "Tx era", "TxBody era", and "ShelleyTxWitness era" where era is one of "BabbageEra", "ConwayEra".

withdrawalId string

Possible values: Value must match regular expression ^[a-fA-F0-9]{64}$

The hex-encoded identifier of a Cardano transaction


Invalid X-Collateral-UTxO or X-Address or X-Change-Address or body