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Advance a contract through a timeout

Build a transaction to advance a contract through a timeout

Usage: marlowe-runtime-cli advance --change-address ADDRESS [-a|--address ADDRESS] 
[--collateral-utxo UTXO] --manual-sign FILE_PATH
[-m|--metadata-file FILE_PATH]
(-c|--contract CONTRACT_ID)
[-l|--validity-lower-bound TIMESTAMP]
[-u|--validity-upper-bound TIMESTAMP]

Advance a timed-out contract by applying an empty set of inputs.

Available options:
--change-address ADDRESS The address to which the change of the transaction
should be sent.
-a,--address ADDRESS An address whose UTXOs can be used as inputs to the
--collateral-utxo UTXO A UTXO which may be used as a collateral input
--manual-sign FILE_PATH Sign the transaction manually. Writes the CBOR bytes
of the unsigned transaction to the specified file for
manual signing. Use the submit command to submit the
signed transaction.
-m,--metadata-file FILE_PATH
A JSON file containing a map of integer indexes to
arbitrary JSON values that will be added to the
transaction's metadata.
-c,--contract CONTRACT_ID
The ID of the Marlowe contract to advance.
-l,--validity-lower-bound TIMESTAMP
The lower bound of the transaction validity interval
in POSIX milliseconds. If not specified, the current
time (as determined by the Cardano node) will be
-u,--validity-upper-bound TIMESTAMP
The upper bound of the transaction validity interval
in POSIX milliseconds. If not specified, the next
timeout in the contract will be used (bounded by the
maximum value allowed by the Cardano node).
-h,--help Show this help text