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Create a contract

Build a transaction to create a contract

Usage: marlowe-runtime-cli create --change-address ADDRESS [-a|--address ADDRESS] 
[--collateral-utxo UTXO] --manual-sign FILE_PATH
[-m|--metadata-file FILE_PATH] [--v1]
[(-r|--role ROLE=ADDRESS) |
--roles-config-file FILE_PATH |
--role-token-policy-id POLICY_ID]
(--core-file FILE_PATH | --contract-file FILE_PATH
[--args-file FILE_PATH |
[--timeout-arg NAME=POSIX_TIMESTAMP]
[--value-arg NAME=INTEGER]]) --min-utxo LOVELACE

Create a new Marlowe Contract

Available options:
--change-address ADDRESS The address to which the change of the transaction
should be sent.
-a,--address ADDRESS An address whose UTXOs can be used as inputs to the
--collateral-utxo UTXO A UTXO which may be used as a collateral input
--manual-sign FILE_PATH Sign the transaction manually. Writes the CBOR bytes
of the unsigned transaction to the specified file for
manual signing. Use the submit command to submit the
signed transaction.
-m,--metadata-file FILE_PATH
A JSON file containing a map of integer indexes to
arbitrary JSON values that will be added to the
transaction's metadata.
--v1 Run command in Marlowe V1
-r,--role ROLE=ADDRESS The name of a role in the contract with the address
to send the token to
--roles-config-file FILE_PATH
A JSON file containing a map of role token names to a
roles configuration object. The roles configuration
object has two keys, "address" and "metadata", where
"address" is the address to send the newly minted
role token and "metadata" is the CIP-25 metadata
object to associate with the token.
--role-token-policy-id POLICY_ID
The hexadecimal-encoded policy ID of the role tokens
for this contract. This option is used to support
role tokens minted in a separate transaction.
--core-file FILE_PATH A file containing the Core Marlowe JSON definition of
the contract to create.
--contract-file FILE_PATH
A file containing the Extended Marlowe JSON
definition of the contract to create.
--args-file FILE_PATH A file containing the Extended Marlowe arguments to
apply to the contract.
The name of a timeout parameter in the contract and a
value to assign to it (in POSIX milliseconds).
--value-arg NAME=INTEGER The name of a numeric parameter in the contract and a
value to assign to it.
--min-utxo LOVELACE An amount which should be used as min ada requirement
for the Contract UTXO.
-h,--help Show this help text